Monday, June 2, 2008

Update on Sean from Parris Island

Hello friends and family!

Well, we finally got "the call" - about a week and a half ago - that Sean was picked up by Golf Co. So, we patiently waited for any kind of correspondence giving us his new address. And waited. And waited.
Then, a letter came in last week (from Sean) mentioning that he "may" be going into Lima Co - even though he was originally told it would be Golf. Meant that his training and graduation would be moved out one more week.
I held off until Friday, when we still did not have any word on his location - and called the Plymouth Recruiting Office.
The Staff Sgt. (who is very nice by the way - not at all like his recruiter in Hyannis, but that's another story for another day), assured me that they could and would track him down - but not until Monday (the "powers that be" were in a weekend meeting session). So I waited until this morning to make that call.
His new address is:
Rct. Leahy, Sean P. 1507
Plt. 3067, 3rd Bn. , Lima Co.
PO Box 13067
Parris Island, SC 29905-3067

This will be his address from now until graduation (which, by the way will be August 22nd).

From what I have gathered from other parents on the website, the platoons in Golf Co. were too full to pick up the 6 guys coming out of PCP. I have not heard if they will be staying together, but would be neat if they did. The morale in the physical conditioning platoon had its moments - a lot of the recruits were tending to get discouraged with themselves. I guess, according to Sean, he did his best to turn things around for them - (I have always told the kids "misery loves company" - don't go there!)
Prior to his leaving he was made a squad leader - I don't know if he retained that title going into Lima (which, by the way, is pronounced 'Leema' - not like the bean! - I had the SSgt giggling this morning, wanted to make sure I had it right )

He is beginning some really intense training - not much time to write back. Please do not be discouraged if you do not get a reply from him. Our letters have gone from a waterfall to a trickle - understandable for what he is doing.
I will use email to keep everyone posted. I know Lori Ann has the Leahy Blog updated as well (thank you ).
Again, there is an awesome website for anyone that cares to use it
There is so much information there - including a Training Matrix that gives you an outline on what his daily activities are.

Thank you all for your support and love and prayers.
Sharon, Gene and Sarah

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