Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Latest news on Sean

Hello friends and family-
One of the things I have learned through the weeks of being a part of the Marine family, is that "No news is good news".
Unfortunately today I received a phone call from So Carolina.
Through the few letters I have gotten from Sean since he was picked up by Lima Co, I knew he was fighting off yet another sinus infection (3rd one since arrival).
The call came from one of his Drill Instructors - SSgt Townson. He started by telling me that Sean had been one of his "better recruits" and "did all he could to keep him for this long".
Sean had a CT Scan done yesterday - has a deviated septum. Of course at this stage in the game he is not allowed to train any further. He has an appointment with one of the Naval Specialists on Friday to determine whether or not "they" will do the surgery, or if Sean will go into RSP (recruit separation platoon) and return home to have the surgery done.
The best case scenario is, of course, having the procedure done there - taking the month or so to heal, and then returning to training. I, however, like any of us, do not have a say in the matter - only the Dr's do.
So, Sean's immediate future is in the hands of the Specialist - he will make that call on Friday.
The up side to this is that I got to actually hold a conversation with Sean! - He is in quite a bit of pain - beating himself up for this happening (like he actually had a say in the matter!) I reinforced the fact that we are all so proud of him no matter what the out come of this may be - He can do 4 PULLUPS now!! His main concern? "How are the Celtics doing?" Typical Boston boy!
I will keep in touch - like I said I will know more on Friday or Saturday. Please say a prayer that he will get through this phase quickly and be able to return to training soon.
Thank you for you thoughts and kind wishes

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