Friday, June 27, 2008

Sean's latest developments from boot camp

Hello Friends and Family-

The last call I received from Parris Island was a 'scripted' phone call ( we actually missed it - call forwarding did not work, but I do have the message saved on the answering machine) - it was Sean calling saying he was transferred into the "Evaluation Holding Platoon" (EHP) - from there he was "supposed" to go to see a medical specialist on last Friday to determine the fate of his sinuses. Unfortunately, I have not heard anything. BUT I am appealing to ALL of you to
PLEASE send him a card, a note, a poem , a prayer, a silly joke - ANYTHING right now- This is the hardest time for any of the recruits - when they are NOT training, they tend to get depressed and want to come home. I KNOW that this is what he doesn't want deep down. I am asking all of you to please take 5 minutes out of your busy schedules and to BOMBARD him with good thoughts! PLEASE!
His address right now is: Rct. Leahy, Sean P. 1507
PO Box 15250
MCRD Parris Island, SC 29905-5250

Thank you so much! I know deep in my heart he will pull himself up and make a come back - I only wish I could be there to tell him that in person!
Love to all of you - and I will be in touch!


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