Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy Independence Day! from Texas

Yes, we're a little early. But, hey... it's a big party!

Fireworks show on June 28, 2008, following a riveting show by Three Dog Night!

Happy Independence Day!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sean update

Dear Friends and Family,

First, Thank you - all of you , for the support you have offered to us - it has not gone unnoticed.
Today I received a call from Sean, the Marine Corps is sending him home to have the required surgery.
The military has decided that the post op period would not be sterile enough for his recuperation - too much of a liability.
He sounds tired, sore but good mentally. The separation will take about 4 weeks before he actually gets home here.
6 months after surgery he will be able to be re-evaluated and only then will a decision be made as to whether or not they will accept him back into training. But he WANTS to go back for his Eagle, Globe and Anchor. Again, thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and letters.


Sean's latest developments from boot camp

Hello Friends and Family-

The last call I received from Parris Island was a 'scripted' phone call ( we actually missed it - call forwarding did not work, but I do have the message saved on the answering machine) - it was Sean calling saying he was transferred into the "Evaluation Holding Platoon" (EHP) - from there he was "supposed" to go to see a medical specialist on last Friday to determine the fate of his sinuses. Unfortunately, I have not heard anything. BUT I am appealing to ALL of you to
PLEASE send him a card, a note, a poem , a prayer, a silly joke - ANYTHING right now- This is the hardest time for any of the recruits - when they are NOT training, they tend to get depressed and want to come home. I KNOW that this is what he doesn't want deep down. I am asking all of you to please take 5 minutes out of your busy schedules and to BOMBARD him with good thoughts! PLEASE!
His address right now is: Rct. Leahy, Sean P. 1507
PO Box 15250
MCRD Parris Island, SC 29905-5250

Thank you so much! I know deep in my heart he will pull himself up and make a come back - I only wish I could be there to tell him that in person!
Love to all of you - and I will be in touch!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Latest news on Sean

Hello friends and family-
One of the things I have learned through the weeks of being a part of the Marine family, is that "No news is good news".
Unfortunately today I received a phone call from So Carolina.
Through the few letters I have gotten from Sean since he was picked up by Lima Co, I knew he was fighting off yet another sinus infection (3rd one since arrival).
The call came from one of his Drill Instructors - SSgt Townson. He started by telling me that Sean had been one of his "better recruits" and "did all he could to keep him for this long".
Sean had a CT Scan done yesterday - has a deviated septum. Of course at this stage in the game he is not allowed to train any further. He has an appointment with one of the Naval Specialists on Friday to determine whether or not "they" will do the surgery, or if Sean will go into RSP (recruit separation platoon) and return home to have the surgery done.
The best case scenario is, of course, having the procedure done there - taking the month or so to heal, and then returning to training. I, however, like any of us, do not have a say in the matter - only the Dr's do.
So, Sean's immediate future is in the hands of the Specialist - he will make that call on Friday.
The up side to this is that I got to actually hold a conversation with Sean! - He is in quite a bit of pain - beating himself up for this happening (like he actually had a say in the matter!) I reinforced the fact that we are all so proud of him no matter what the out come of this may be - He can do 4 PULLUPS now!! His main concern? "How are the Celtics doing?" Typical Boston boy!
I will keep in touch - like I said I will know more on Friday or Saturday. Please say a prayer that he will get through this phase quickly and be able to return to training soon.
Thank you for you thoughts and kind wishes

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Leahy Flyer OOOPS...


Ididn't see the Leahy Flyer attached so I'll try again.


Leahy Flyers

Hi everyone:
Thought I would post the Flyer for the Family Picnic. I have e-mailed it to the entire family with the exception of a few that I don't have e-mail addresses for. If you know of anyone who did not get the flyer please forward it to them and ask them to e-mail me with their address. My e-mail address is

The response has been great so far. Looks like it's going to be another great one!

Love to all


Monday, June 2, 2008

Update on Sean from Parris Island

Hello friends and family!

Well, we finally got "the call" - about a week and a half ago - that Sean was picked up by Golf Co. So, we patiently waited for any kind of correspondence giving us his new address. And waited. And waited.
Then, a letter came in last week (from Sean) mentioning that he "may" be going into Lima Co - even though he was originally told it would be Golf. Meant that his training and graduation would be moved out one more week.
I held off until Friday, when we still did not have any word on his location - and called the Plymouth Recruiting Office.
The Staff Sgt. (who is very nice by the way - not at all like his recruiter in Hyannis, but that's another story for another day), assured me that they could and would track him down - but not until Monday (the "powers that be" were in a weekend meeting session). So I waited until this morning to make that call.
His new address is:
Rct. Leahy, Sean P. 1507
Plt. 3067, 3rd Bn. , Lima Co.
PO Box 13067
Parris Island, SC 29905-3067

This will be his address from now until graduation (which, by the way will be August 22nd).

From what I have gathered from other parents on the website, the platoons in Golf Co. were too full to pick up the 6 guys coming out of PCP. I have not heard if they will be staying together, but would be neat if they did. The morale in the physical conditioning platoon had its moments - a lot of the recruits were tending to get discouraged with themselves. I guess, according to Sean, he did his best to turn things around for them - (I have always told the kids "misery loves company" - don't go there!)
Prior to his leaving he was made a squad leader - I don't know if he retained that title going into Lima (which, by the way, is pronounced 'Leema' - not like the bean! - I had the SSgt giggling this morning, wanted to make sure I had it right )

He is beginning some really intense training - not much time to write back. Please do not be discouraged if you do not get a reply from him. Our letters have gone from a waterfall to a trickle - understandable for what he is doing.
I will use email to keep everyone posted. I know Lori Ann has the Leahy Blog updated as well (thank you ).
Again, there is an awesome website for anyone that cares to use it
There is so much information there - including a Training Matrix that gives you an outline on what his daily activities are.

Thank you all for your support and love and prayers.
Sharon, Gene and Sarah

Photos from Road Trip 2 to Traverse City, MI.

Wuerfel Park in Traverse City, MI. , view from the press box.

The front of the stadium, as I was leaving after a game.

This is probably the most luxurious stadium I've ever called a game at.

Getting ready for batting practice.

Hope you enjoy the pics from Traverse City. We lost two out of three games here. Next road trip is to Sauget, Ill., and then Rockford, Ill.

