Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More news from Parris Island on Recruit Sean

First of all, thank you EVERYONE for all the support you have given to Sean and the rest of our family. Although it has only been a few short weeks, we are in for one heck of a "roller coaster ride" USMC style! A resounding Thank You to all who could attend Sean's farewell party - what a wonderful day it was! And another huge Thank You to EVERYONE who could not join us, but keeping him in your thoughts and prayers!
Currently, he is in the Physical Conditioning Platoon - those stinking pull ups did him in! He is receiving the best training from the BEST military force - and he WILL be joining up with a Company soon!
For those of you who wish to send him an inspirational card or letter - his address to date is:
RCT Leahy, Sean P 1507
PO Box 15230
Parris Island, SC 29905

PLEASE - only white envelopes and traditional (non-musical) cards - nothing out of the ordinary to grab attention!

We have gotten 3 letters from him so far - and we are amazed at his upbeat attitude! In fact in one letter he was complaining about the lack of motivation from a good portion of the platoon that were already in place when he arrived. He is getting his share of "face time" with the Drill Instructors - he wrote that while on post one afternoon someone who was supposed to be on "fluids only" (from dental work) ate his "chow" - when the DI got word that he had not eaten, not only did the offending recruit catch hell, so did Sean! He is quickly learning the meaning of working together as a team - and watching out for one another.

I have been using a website to pretty much stay in sync with what he's in for - (ok truth be told - I am GLUED to that site!) It has so much information posted on the message boards from other parents - it's helpful to know that we are not alone!

Again, THANK YOU everyone!
Love to you all!
Sharon, Gene and Sarah

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